Category: Articles


William E. Hesch, Esq., CPA, PFS, and Amy Pennekamp, Esq. are honored to be recognized as a leading lawyer in the Trust and Estate Planning area for the 20th consecutive year and 1st year, respectively. Bill and Amy have been growing the law firm over the past 20 years, and Hesch Law Firm currently has 6 Attorneys and 3 Law Clerks.

Hesch Law Firm focuses on estate planning for high wealth individuals, young married couples, blended families, single-parent households, elderly individuals concerned about Medicaid, and families with special needs family members. In addition, Hesch Law Firm oversees probate administration in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area. Hesch Law Firm has attorneys licensed in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Florida.

Hesch Law Firm also services business owners with their basic legal needs, including owner operating agreements and buy-sell agreements. Hesch Law prepares the legal documents needed to buy or sell your business and helps business owners with their tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning, and succession planning.

William E. Hesch CPAs, LLC merged November 1, 2024, with MMB CPAs & Advisors. Cathy Henry, CPA, Carrie Carroll, and William Hesch are now servicing CPA clients out of the MMB office in Blue Ash at 4340 Glendale-Milford Rd, Suite 130, Blue Ash, Ohio 45242.

IRS Releases New Form W-4 for 2018

With the new tax law, how much will you owe the IRS when you file your 2018 tax return next April?

Now that most of our clients have their 2017 taxes filed, it is time to start taking action regarding 2018 taxes. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act or TCJA has an impact on just about every area of tax one can think of in 2018. These changes include increasing the standard deduction, removing the personal exemption, and changing the tax rates and brackets. The impact of these changes will affect both employees and business owners. The first effect you or your employees might notice is that some employees’ take-home pay may have increased due to the adjustment in IRS withholding tables. These larger paychecks are wonderful, but employees should be cautious. An increase in take-home pay might be deceiving because you may actually be under withholding your federal income taxes. If your pay is being under-withheld, it could be a big shock come tax time when you owe the IRS money next April. In order to avoid a surprise tax bill for the 2018 tax year, employees should update their W-4 form. To help individuals deal with 2018 withholding issues, the IRS has recently released a new W-4 Form for 2018 and a Withholding Calculator.

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Inherited IRA Options for the Non-Spouse Beneficiary

Did you know that when you inherit an IRA you can limit your income tax liability by deciding how distributions are made to you?  Unfortunately, many IRA beneficiaries don’t know they have options and so they cash in their inherited IRA and expose themselves to significant income tax liabilities.  The options available to IRA beneficiaries vary depending on if the beneficiary is a spouse or non-spouse, so this article will focus on the three distribution options non-spouse IRA beneficiaries typically have to limit their tax liabilities. Not all distribution options work best for every situation, so IRA beneficiaries are encouraged to consult with their CPA and attorney to find out which option works best for them.

Option 1: Rollover IRA with Five Year Distribution

If an IRA owner dies and designates a non-spouse beneficiary, such as a child, parent, sibling, or friend, the beneficiary can choose to rollover the IRA into their name, but the entire IRA must be distributed to the beneficiary within five years of December 31 of the year following the IRA owner’s date of death.  This option gives the non-spouse beneficiary access to money relatively soon and spreads out the tax liability over a five year period, rather than in one year if a lump sum distribution is taken.

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Amy E. Pennekamp-Ohio Super Lawyers Rising Star 2016

William E. Hesch Law Firm, LLC is pleased to announce that attorney Amy E. Pennekamp has been named a 2016 Ohio Super Lawyers® Rising Star.  Attorneys are chosen through the independent research of the publishers at Super Lawyers®, a Thomson Reuters business.

Rising Stars are age 40 or younger or have been practicing law for 10 years or less, and represent the top up-and-coming attorneys in the state. Less than 2.5 percent of lawyers are selected for Rising Star status. Super Lawyers®, a Thomson Reuters business, is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The annual selections are made using a rigorous multi-phased process that includes a statewide survey of lawyers, an independent research evaluation of candidates, and peer reviews by practice area.

Learn more about Amy and find her contact information, here.

Peace of Mind

Submitted by: Chris Allen, President – The Business Spotlight, Inc. and Committee Member of Emerging 30

The William E. Hesch Law Firm, headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, is owned and operated by Bill Hesch, Owner/CEO. His company, founded in 1993, focuses on providing great legal, tax & financial advice (licensed attorney, CPA & Personal Financial Specialist [PFS]) for business owners and high net worth individuals (Estate, Elder Law & Medicaid Planning). Website:
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Affordable Care Act Changes

Under the Affordable Care Act, there are new reporting requirements for the employer to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan. For years after 2011, employers generally are required to report the cost of health benefits provided on the Form W-2. All employers that provide “applicable employer-sponsored coverage” under a group health plan are subject to the reporting requirement.
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Top 5 Problems with your Estate Plan

Top 5 problems that arise when you leave money to your family upon your death and the unexpected consequences that would cause you to roll over in your grave

1. Heirs recklessly spend their inheritance: Failure to leave your estate to your heirs in a trust means that your family “wins the lottery” upon your death. Your spouse and/or children may recklessly spend their inheritance within months or years, which is what most lottery winners do. A trust can control what distributions are made to your surviving spouse and/or children after your death and also delay the distributions over a number of years.
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2012 Expiring Tax Incentives

Tax | Estate Law Planning – Articles

2012 Expiring Incentives

2012 began with great uncertainty over federal tax policy and now, with the end of the year approaching, that uncertainty appears to be far from any long-term resolution. A host of reduced tax rates, credits, deductions, and other incentives (collectively called the “Bush-era” tax cuts) are scheduled to expire after December 31, 2012. To further complicate planning, over 50 tax extenders are up for renewal, either having expired at the end of 2011 or scheduled to expire after 2012. At the same time, the federal government will be under sequestration, which imposes across-the-board spending cuts after 2012. The combination of all these events has many referring to 2013 as “Taxmeggedon.”
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Ohio is Cracking Down on Unpaid Use Tax

Unpaid Use Tax

The State of Ohio is aggressively looking for businesses that may owe Ohio Use taxes. In addition to pursing out-of -state businesses who should be collecting and remitting Use Tax to the State of Ohio, the Department of Taxation is now looking for Ohio businesses that may not have paid use tax on purchases of property used in Ohio.

Use Tax is a tax on the storage, use or other consumption of tangible personal property in Ohio. The tax is a compliment to the Ohio Sales Tax. In general if you have paid Ohio Sales Tax on a purchase you would not owe Use Tax on the purchase.
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